Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Morrowind Werewolf Without Bloodmoon How To Find Morrowind Werewolves?

How to find Morrowind Werewolves? - morrowind werewolf without bloodmoon

What exactly is the possibility werweolf NPC spawn (I want to be a werewolf without Bloodmoon main quest)? I heard that 1 in 100 to less than 100 level, but I seriously doubt this is true, as I have multiple games werewolves in the past on several occasions and found much lower levels. If a werewolf does not spawn, to see if you can reach your entry point, you try again later, or never werewlf Spawn? How does this work probablility?

As a bonus question, you know where the NSC (connorflenge other than Barrow)?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why not just download a mod to a half-human, half wolf, you run your game to add? I've done, and you can play as a wolf all the time.

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